Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame

Link: Order of the Desert Flame

United Kingdom of Australia

Link: United Kingdom of Australia

Holy See of Australia


Mutilation and Medical, Scientific or Biological Experiments

Mutilation, medical or scientific experiments or any other medical procedure not indicated by the state of health of the person concerned and not consistent with generally accepted medical standards are prohibited.


State practice establishes this rule as a norm of customary international law applicable in both international and non-international armed conflicts.


Send evidences to the following email address including the following details.

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One email per injury/death is preferable.



HRC: 000000/23


Whereas the People of the States agreed to unite in one indisolluable Federal Commonwealth of Australia, under the blessing of Almighty God, under the Australian Imperial Crown 1926, under the Constitution thereby established.


Under the Constitution thereby established.


TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiff makes claim against the Defendant given the following:

  1. The Plaintiffs are known as "the People".
  2. The Plaintiffs have a right of "self determination".
  3. The Plaintiffs are known by title as the United Kingdom of Australia.
  4. The Plaintiffs are represented in title by the Australian Privy Council.
  5. The Plaintiffs are under the blessing of Almighty God in Order.
  6. The Plaintiffs are represented in title by the Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame.
  7. The United Kingdom of Australia is recognised by title and description. Justice Lonergan, Kiskonen vs NSW 2020.
  8. The Australian Privy Council is successor to the former Australian Royal Counsel is recognised by title and description. Justice Lonergan, Kiskonen vs NSW 2020.
  9. The Federal Red Ensign was "consecrated" by "the People" on Australia Day July 31st 2020 in nine (9) major metropolitan cities and over fifty (50) towns and villages. Justice Longergan, Kiskonen vs NSW 2020.
  10. The Federal Red Ensign of the United Kingdom of Australia is recognised by title and description. Justice Longergan, Kiskonen vs NSW 2020.
  11. The United Kingdom of Australia is forged in the unity of "the People".
  12. The Australian Imperial Crown is founded on the blessing of Almighty God.
  13. The Australian Imperial Crown is anchored through Stone of Remembrance.
  14. "the Constitution" is defined as Clause 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA.
  15. A "Line of Authority" to hold "Rule of Law" is under the blessing of Almighty God is defined in Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July 1900 UK/PGA.
  16. Colonial Boundaries were repealed in the Constitution Act
  17. Boundaries for the United Kingdom of Australia were defined at Treaties of Versailles 1919 and Imperial Conference 1926
  18. "the Crown" of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland did sever any claims, or governance over the Commonwealth of Australia in Statute of Westminster Act 1931. Re: League of Nations Article 10 & 20, Imperial Conference 1926 Schedule. Royal Styles and Titles 1927. Parliamentary Styles and Titles 1927. Statute of Westminster 1931.
  19. The United Kingdom of Australia is defined in lineage of a blessing of Almighty God anchored in "the Australian Imperial Crown" or "the Imperial Crown" vested in the "Stone of Remembrance".
  20. "Shrine of Remembrance" containing "Stone of Remembrance" constructed 1927 to reflect changes and separation of "the Crown" into independent and sovereign entity "the Australian Imperial Crown" aka "the Imperial Crown".
  21. "Stone of Remembrance" is laid under blessing of Almighty God as Anchor to "the Australian Imperial Crown" aka "the Imperial Crown" as denoted in "Heraldic Device" upon doors to Shrine of Remembrance wherein Stone of Remembrance is compassed.
  22. "the People" did raise "Holy Ground" up out of waters.
  23. "the Congregation" of "the People" did anchor the "Holy See of Australia".
  24. "the People" did "consecrate" "Federal Red Ensign" in lineage of the blessing of Almighty God.
  25. "the People" are "the Imperial Crown" aka "the Australian Imperial Crown"
  26. "the People" are the "United Kingdom of Australia" and are represented by the "Australian Privy Council" privy to the "Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame".
  27. "the People" of "the Australian Imperial Crown" aka "the Imperial Crown" are the Naked Owners of the Usufruct.
  28. "the Naked Owner" has First Right of Usufruct aka First Use of the Fruits.
  29. "the Grantor" of the Usufruct is "the People" our "Forefathers" under the blessing of Almighty God.
  30. "the Trustee" of the Usufruct is "the People" in our "Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia" under "the Constitution" thereby established under the Australian Imperial Crown United Kingdom of Australia under the blessing of Almighty God.
  31. "the Beneficiary" of the Usufruct is "the People" under the blessing of Almighty God.
  32. "the Naked Owners" are "the Beneficiaries" and have a "beneficial interest" in the usufruct.
  33. Vox Populi, Vox Dei, the voice of "the People" is the voice of god.
  34. "the Grantor", "the Trustee" and "the Beneficiary" form a "Testamentary Trust" under the blessing of Almighty God by "Will of God" and "Testament of Christ".
  35. "the Usufructuary" of the Usufructis defined as "the Crown" aka "the St Edwards Crown".
  36. "the Crown" is defined as "Administrator" of "the Commonwealth of Australia" usurping "the Australian Imperial Crown" aka "the Imperial Crown".
  37. The St Edwards Crown aka "the Crown" is not the Australian Imperial Crown aka "the Imperial Crown".
  38. "the Crown" did usurp the "Use of the Fruits" from "the Australian Imperial Crown" aka "the Imperial Crown" aka "the People".
  39. "the Crown" is obligated to International Laws of Armed Conflict, International Humanitarian Law, Charters of Human Rights and Civil & Political Rights, including but not limited to International Treaties, Pacts and Conventions.
  40. "the Crown" is in administration under Rules of Usufruct as per Hague IV War on Land Article 55 Administration under Rules of Usufruct ratified 26th January 1910.
  41. Robert Menzies Prime Minister 1936, did desecrate Federal Red Ensign on behalf of "the Crown" attributing it to "communism" for its red colour, the "Menzies Model" has been carried on through John Howard (disarmed lawful defence force), and Scott Morrison (fire sale of Imperial Crown assets against Rules of Usufruct).
    ("the Era" started anti terrorism laws against a de-jure populous, by a de-facto administrating power for its own protection from that population).
  42. "the Crown" did install by Flags Act 1954 Admiralty Blue Ensign of the Australian Government and Australian Civil Merchant Red Ensign over and above the de jure Commonwealth of Australia Blue Ensign and Civil Merchant Red Ensign.
  43. "the Crown" did lower the Admiralty Ensign of "the Imperial Crown" 1st March 1967 in "consecration" of administrating Australian Naval White Ensign 1967.
  44. "the Crown" did officially close the Office of Prime Minister 1971.
  45. "the Crown" did officially merge Office of Prime Minister with Department of the Cabinet 1971.
  46. "the Crown" did usurp Executive Powers officially giving power to the Federal Executive Council 1971.
  47. "the Crown" did usurp the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia from "the Imperial Crown" forming the Australian Government 18th December 1972.
  48. "the Crown" did remove "the Imperial Crown" officers with Gough Whitlam famous statement on the steps of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia 1975.
  49. The Stone of Destiny is not the Stone of Remembrance.
  50. The Australian Government is not the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia.


The Defendant is accused of offences covering a broad spectrum of fraud, deceit, manipulation, and can be demonstrated to have committed offences relating to International Humanitarian Law, International Laws of Armed Conflict, International Conventions including but not limited to the Hague Conventions and Geneva Conventions ratified by the Defendant.

The Defendant is accused of heinous International Criminal Offences including but not limited to denial of a Right to Religion, a denial of the Right of Family, disregard for the treatment of Prisoners of Warfare, Torture, Medical Procedure, Forced Medical Procedure, Medical Experimentation, Excessive Use of Force, and in the scope of matters is accused of Crimes against Humanity, Crimes against Nature, and Crimes against Mankind.

The Defendant is accused of a history of silence, and clear refusal to address, respond, acknowledge, or deal with matters of International Law at which it is obligated under ratifications defined by the Defendant. This culture of defiance is clearly demonstrated to have been performed by the upper rank and file of the Defendant.

The Defendant is accused of gross negligence, failures in duty of care, crimes of attempt, sedition, treachery, with crimes bordering on matters of treason and attainted treason. The Defendant has demonstrated its Agents, Employees, Officers, and Servants to be complicit in criminal offences, or the attempt to commit criminal offences, wherein these Agents, Employees, Officers and Servants did conspire to commit offences, becoming a Conspiracy at Law.

The Defendant is accused of fraud, deceit, defrauding the public trust, failure in rules of usufruct, failures in accountability, failures in administration, rorting the public trust, abusing financial powers, corruption of bodies of accountability, doing the bidding of private interests, over privatisation of the peoples assets, undermining the people by titles, and colluding with foreign interests to undermine the financial position of the Commonwealth of Australia.

TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiff makes claim against the Defendant given the following:

  1. People died alone
  2. People were denied visits by family
  3. People couldnt go to funerals
  4. People refused to listen
  5. Media pushed a Narrative
  6. Media suppressed any other narrative
  7. Leading Specialists were denied voices by Corporations
  8. Deaths attributed to a vaccine are defined as COVID deaths
  9. Deaths attributed to normal body failure are defined as COVID falsely

The Defendant relies upon the following rulings, legislations, and other documents.

  1. The Hague Conventions 1899 & 1907.
  2. The Geneva Conventions (various).
  3. Criminal Code 1995


  1. Division 11 Criminal Code 1995 - Attorney General Department



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Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame

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